Bitsbox is the fastest & easiest way for
kids (and everyone else!) to build, test, and launch
their own crazyfun online games!

Learn more about Bitsbox for:

Teach your kids to love coding

Get Bitsbox

Bitsbox is real coding and game development for anyone.
Bitsbox Level 1 teaches coordinates.
Bitsbox Level 2 teaches variables.
Bitsbox Level 3 teaches conditionals.
Bitsbox Level 4 teaches functions.
Bitsbox Level 5 teaches motion loops.
Bitsbox Level 6 teaches forEach.
Bitsbox Level 7 teaches simple arrays.
Bitsbox Level 8 teaches incrementing.
Bitsbox Level 9 teaches operators.
Bitsbox Level 10 teaches parameters.
Bitsbox Level 11 teaches strings.
Bitsbox Level 12 teaches hashes.
Bitsbox Level 13 and beyond teaches advanced apps.
Each level introduces a new computer science concept with a set of crazyfun app projects that come every month!
Beautiful Bitsbox materials.

Subscriptions start at $16.95/month.

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Bitsbox in a nutshell
Why should kids learn to code? Why should kids learn to code? (1:41)
What is Bitsbox? What is Bitsbox? (0:30)
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Is Bitsbox right for your kid?

Over a million kids have built apps on our website, and we have subscribers in over 70 countries.

Age of kids who use Bitsbox

Bitsbox is designed for 6 to 12 year olds.

Gender of kids who use Bitsbox

Bitsbox appeals to both boys and girls.

Beginners welcome

No coding experience needed.

Attention grownups! You don't need to know anything about code to help your kid learn with Bitsbox.

"My kids spent 6 hours playing with Bitsbox last night. They've been playing with Scratch and, but they felt that this was much cooler and loved the fact they were writing real code." Brandon Seils, New York

"Wow! Thank you so much! My son had surgery, so he's on very limited activity while he heals. He's spending lots of time on Bitsbox code. Just thought I'd share so you could see how your kind gift truly means so much to him." Amy Simko, Michigan

"I've got to say, my daughter is loving her first Bitsbox. I work to get her to think about what the programs will do, and encourage her to play around with changes. I am really impressed by the platform and definitely want to keep her moving forward." Scott Bradley, Illinois

"My son is 8, reading and writing English still is a bit of a problem. Consider it as spending some quality time to walk him through the instructions and translate. He's learning coding and English and he loves it." Jurgen Schepens, Belgium

"My two boys Tom 10 and Ben 7 are positively obsessed with Bitsbox. They asked me to teach them to code games - where do I start with a 7 year old?? Bitsbox is perfect." Josh Read, Australia

"I love Bitsbox. You are doing great things." Hilary Grant, Michigan

"We LOVE your product. My (very cool!!) little sister got my 13 year old son a bitsbox for his birthday. He is having a blast with it - just yesterday he accessed his account from school during free time & had a group of students and teachers around him in minutes. They were all blown away - what a hit!!" Liz Gerecke, Ontario

"Wanted to give a big bouquet to you all for the excitement and enjoyment my 9 year old daughter got when she received her first Bitsbox yesterday in Middle Earth (New Zealand). Fantastic job with the design, love the recycled packaging, and the first impressions of the coding experience is thumbs up. Only problem now is that the 7 year old younger sister might have to be signed up too, to avoid WW3. Cheers!" Hassan Wong, New Zealand

"I'm super pumped to share our experiences coding with Bitsbox with families throughout our school community. My hope is to introduce in class and generate interest for parents to continue feeding the flame of coding and computer science in the elementary levels grades 2-4." Michael Mann, Georgia

"Thanks! Learning to code will help my 10-year-old grandson realize how important spelling is! Xander was so excited to get the Bitsbox when it was delivered! He coded all of the cards and had a lot of fun doing it. You did an awesome job. I am glad I saw the Kickstarter!" Sandra Gwilliam

"Keep up the good work. I've taught a number of programming workshops for kids... Bitsbox is the best material and coding environment I have found so far." Jon Saints

"I am a middle school computers teacher in upstate New York (suburban Rochester). My students are animated and excited about Bitsbox in a way I haven't seen with the other programs. They are THRILLED with their successes. And I am so proud of their learning! Thank you so much for giving my students a real coding experience!" Susan Mietus, New York

"I just want to let you know how great they think it is. As I mentioned, my son Jackson has tried a lot of other sites and your seems to be one he doesn't want to stop working on. We are for sure a promoter for you guys and I will be tell as many people I can about it." Chris Stillwell, Colorado

"I used Bitsbox at our coding club on Tuesday. Normally we use Scratch, but for the last day of the term I decided to give Bitsbox a go. The kids absolutely loved it!" Phil Golden, UK

"I have seen first hand the difficultly in transitioning kids from a block based coding environment (e.g. Scratch/Blockly) to a purely text based environment. A few months ago we started a Python class for our 'graduates' (i.e. 8 year olds) and two barriers immediately became evident: the need for syntactically correct code and the lack of a quick payoff vs. Scratch. Bitsbox effectively mitigates the first of these, while eliminating the second." Phil Golden, UK

"I have to say that I am absolutely amazed by what my 8 and 10 year olds have learned so far. By the second app they copied, they were able to easily modify the given lines of code and have been experimenting with adding many of their own lines of code, increasing in complexity as they go. They are so motivated by even the simplest app. I've had them explain to their dad what each line of code does, and they really get it! Thank you! I would love to see a referral/affiliate program. We ordered this from Amazon, but will definitely be getting a subscription." Happy Amazon Customer

"We got the chance to sit down with the box last night and it is even better than I expected! I loved the design and sense of humour, I loved how open-ended the apps are and how kids can start tuning and experimenting even in the first couple of pages. There's lots of opportunity for them to discover things, and it's fun for them to see which of their instincts/guesses work out." Sally Tinis, British Columbia

"I was also happy to see how early and how easily concepts like variables and functions were introduced. My daughter was really engaged, and her reactions were: 'Best night ever!' and 'It's also awesome because you get to spend time with me on it!' That second one was an unexpected side benefit. :)" Sally Tinis, British Columbia

"We just got the box yesterday and my daughter just loves it. She has been writing and tweaking code a lot, and is now on a bicycle tour to tell all her friends. Awesome!!!" Egil Tostensen, Norway

"We got our first box this weekend! My daughter loved it! She was bouncing off the walls with excitement and jumped right in to writing code. Thanks for a great educational product!" Hans House, Iowa

"We just got our box yesterday and our daughter started today and we LOVE how engaged she has been!! We love the product!! Absolutely a company we will love to support through the years!" Kelly Leah Tate, Maryland

"Thanks for teaching our girls that they can be interested in computers and making it fun and educational! That is gift enough!" Kelly Leah Tate, Maryland

"I tried this out with 5 of my students after school on Monday. HUGE success! I will be trying out a Coding Club next year and these are the perfect thing to get the kids interested. We are a 1:1 iPad school, so getting to use their apps on their iPad is great." Corrine Gilbertson, Minnesota

"My son (age 11) received his first Bitsbox yesterday, and to say that it was a hit would be an understatement! He spent more than 5 hours making more than 20 apps, and had a great time modifying and sharing apps. Having the ability to make apps for his 3 year old sister (that she actually had fun playing on her 1st gen IPad) was one of the highlights of the day." John Seay

"THANK YOU!!!!! you gise are osome" Xander, age 10

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How it works


Kids look through the materials and pick an app.

Every box comes with a mix of coding projects, ranging from simple to more advanced.


Kids type the app into the Bitsbox website.

Kids start with the code from the materials, then change it to make it their own.


Kids use and share their apps on any mobile device.

Bitsbox apps run on any computer, tablet, or phone with a web browser.

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Hundreds of crazyfun apps to build and share

Here are just a few...

Learn to code the Bitsbox way
Coding is a language.

Code is a language

Learning to program is just like learning any language. The earlier you start, the easier it is. Kids can use Bitsbox as soon as they can read and write.

Short commands make for easier learning.

Short and sweet

If you want your kid to learn guitar, you don't start with Rock Band. You start with a smaller guitar. Bitsbox uses simple commands to create cool apps that really work.

Kid brains soak up languages like a sponge.

Monkey see, monkey do

Most people learn hard things by imitation and repetition. With Bitsbox, kids learn to program by copying apps and making them their own.

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Grownups! Back our Kickstarter.